Thursday, September 25, 2008

Savvy Shopper

After getting so excited about saving grocery money, I thought others might be interested in this activity. Tuesday, September 30th there is a class at Orem Macey's about how to be a savvy shopper and save with coupons. I think I ought to go. Just thought I'd let you all know.

Bonnie Parks

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ready To Learn

Once a month Macey's (grocery store) hosts a KBYU Ready to Learn Class. It is great, full of information and best of all it's FREE!! The class is usually held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm. You do need to call and sign up to attend just so that they make sure they have enough supplies for everyone.

This month it is on Thursday September 25th at 7pm. The delightful & very energetic Diana Harmon will share how storytelling strengthens bonds between parent and child and just how to do it. This class is very informative, all who attends receive a free children's book (worth it to go just to get a free book). Games, door prizes & guides. No children please.

Here is a tip: The first 6 people at the class get an extra free book!!!

If you have any ?'s or need a ride call me, Heather Buchanan 221-3796

Posted by: Heather Buchanan

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Welcome to the Stonewood 5th Ward Mommy blog! Sometimes word of mouth is not enough to pass on fun activities to do with your child, and this blog's intent is to help moms in our ward connect and suggest fun things to do. With winter coming on, this will be more important than ever as our little ones will need warm places to go outside of the house and us moms continue to look forward to adult conversation and new entertainment. Once a week playgroup is great, but there are 4 other weekdays that we are trying to fill with fun and enriching activities for our kids!

Anyone in the ward is welcome to post on this blog, and the blog email address and password are listed in the weekly Relief Society Bulletin. Just log in and create a new post if you have a fun activity to share. If you wouldn't mind, also list your name at the end of your post so we know who to contact if we have further questions about the activity you wrote about.

For example, I recently learned of "Mommy and Me" time at "Jump on It" in Lindon. The cost is $3 for the first child, $2 for each additional child, and the accompanying adult is free. It is every Wednesday from 10-11 am and located at 7 South 1550 West, Lindon. Also, Jumpaeorobics is right after the Mommy and Me time from 11-12, it costs $5, and includes free babysitting.

Both weekly reoccuring activities and special events are welcome on this blog, and hopefully we get enough of a following that we can stay busy all winter!

Julie Davis